2 Minute Revolution Workout.
The art of less and all the carbs.
“They say on TV now, that oatmeal we eat is not such a great healthy thing! Especially with raisins or honey, or bananas. Especially the quick oats!”, my mom announced through Skype chat from Siberia.
“And fruits are no better. They are like sweets from nature. It all reminds me your diet more and more these days.”
My mom, Sochi
I stopped eating bread and most of the grains, when I was 13–14. Through trial and error I figured, that it makes me stay in top shape the easiest, plus I felt so much better, full of energy, alert and focused. And after a few weeks of adjustments, I never missed bread, pastries or any grain products. The only thing I was still eating in the morning was my oatmeal, that I also gave up somewhere in the process of getting my six pack.
I would eat a dessert occasionally, when my mom cooked my favorite Medovic or my favorite cookies. I would eat beans sometimes, when my mom cooked them, but that was about it.
And potatoes, all the starchy foods — seemed like a waste of calories, I preferred to get my carbs from more nutritious foods like green and colorful vegetables, tomatoes, bell peppers, cucumbers, berries, avocados, nuts and seeds.
Now the world seems to be catching up, after like 15 years. Want to stay lean? Healthy and fit for life without too much counting?
Eat whole foods, that once were alive and growing or running. And stop eating ALL the sugar and starch. Except for occasional treats –the less treats and exceptions, the leaner you are. It’s that simple. Don’t believe me? Try it.
One amazing friend of mine, entrepreneur, Luke Williams, on a mission to make you fitter in just 2 minutes a day with his new 2 Minute Revolution Workout, also believes and prescribes to people he works with, a nutrition plan, based on food groups and reducing and eliminating sugar and starch. I’m trying out Luke’s workouts for the next few weeks. I’m always on a lookout for new, more effective ways to train, get stronger and fitter faster — the time is the most precious commodity, save it wherever you can, you’ll never get it back. Today was chest and triceps’ workout. I planned to do an Expert Level, but unexpectedly was able to do only Advanced Level, and was crushed in under 2 minutes. Let’s see what happens in a week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks.
Check out my Instagram daily for the workout moves.
For more details checkout Luke’s website,
The program, an exercise plan, a nutrition plan — it all is going to be an app soon, with tracking system to measure your progress and turn you into a lean-mean-fat-burning machine in under 2 minutes a day. Being mindful and religious about your sugar/starch/crappy food consumption — is a big part of your progress there.
That brings me to my favorite quote I’m returning to these days a lot, from Cameron Diaz,
“Just because you can put something in your mouth, chew it, swallow it, and then poop it out doesn’t mean it’s food. It just means you can chew it, swallow it, and poop it out.”
― Cameron Díaz, The Body Book: The Law of Hunger, the Science of Strength, and Other Ways to Love Your Amazing Body
Remember one thing — these days, most of the food-like products, you find in a supermarket, are not designed for your long-term daily consumption, not if you plan to live healthy and fit for many years ahead with a lot of energy to spend, living an extraordinary fulfilling life. Most food-like products are designed to sell better, and to make you buy and eat more.
Just because a “food” is approved by FDA, USDA etc. — it doesn’t mean it’s a great everyday choice for you.
And one more thing from a fascinating book about grocery shopping, food, nutrition, our eating habits.
Want a very simple diet to get healthier and fitter? — “Cook it yourself” — everything from fresh, organic produce, everything that once (hopefully not long ago) was alive growing or running, and doesn’t require an ingredient list.
Or make someone else to cook it for you — there are great options in a deli/prepared meals section of a good grocery store, there are meal delivery options.
Confused about nutrition? Workouts? Weight loss? Healthy foods? Longevity lifestyle? Healthy eating?
Send your questions to: Angela at CreateYourself.Today
And tune in to my A Better Self Daily podcast for the answers and clarity.
Short (under 10 minutes) episodes answering all the questions I’m asked and curious about, simple and complex, serious and funny, geeky and scientific, my thoughts, experimetns, discoveries.
A Better Self Daily — One thing to learn and apply to live as A Better Self Daily.
If you miss my Daily Bite of Health in your inbox some days, and have no idea how to live healthier today, check out my Instagram, Facebook, Twitter or YouTube for Daily Bites of Health — you’ll find everything you need there to live healthier, fitter and smarter life (upgraded with your own SIX PACK).
My WOD 9/25/2017
Think what you are buying and eating…
What I’m using as a creamer in my coffee. Blend it in your coffee with some coconut oil and you will need no creamer!
Push-ups from 2 Minute Revolution Workout by Luke Williams
What I do when I don’t have time to drink my coffee.
Selfie :)
You don’t get healthy and stay healthy.
HEALTH is a DAILY PRACTICE. One bite at a time.
Daily Bite of Health
And here is an extra Bite of Health.