Beautiful State to Make a Dream.
ZERO to HERO Video Blog Project.
Merry Christmas everyone!
Have a beautiful … state!
What you feel inside creates your thoughts, creates your actions, creates your reality. It even changes how you look. It makes you beautiful.
You are responsible and in charge of what you feel. That’s your free will in action. That’s your work.
You can’t control all the circumstances and the environment.
You can’t control what comes into your life.
You can’t control what other people do, say or feel.
But you can control your inner state.
You MUST control your inner state.
It’s our responsibility as aware human beings.
We can choose what we feel.
Yes, there will be sad moments.
Yes, there are bad-weather days and failures.
Yes, we need to see the world as IT IS to do anything about the things we don’t like.
But sad doesn’t mean negative. Sadness can be turned into gratefulness.
Bad-weather days can help us enjoy the sunshine more.
Negative news should motivate our constructive positive actions towards the change we want to see, change we want to make with a beautiful and enthusiastic, expect-magic state. NOT complaining and dwelling on the negative side of things.
Christmas is one of those days here in US, when people, a lot of people, are in that beautiful giving, kind, grateful, true-connections, open state. That’s why I love it so much. I can feel that, like I can see the Sun on a clear day.
Hold this state. Never let it go. Share it.
You don’t get healthy and stay healthy.
HEALTH is a DAILY PRACTICE. One bite at a time.
Daily Bite of Health
And here is an extra Bite of Health.
Seth Godin at TED 2014 Is it a note worth playing?
“Part of it was, I didn’t care enough to put myself into it, in the way that would touch another person.
We need to care enough to connect. To touch other people. To play one note worth hearing.
We need to be brave enough to ship it before it’s ready. Because it’s never ready.
Will you choose to matter?”