Catch YOUR radio station.

One mind trick to get after it. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

Angela Shurina
3 min readFeb 26, 2017


2.43 AM.

I work up earlier than my alarm went off.


Time to wake up.

The conversation starts almost immediately. — After all, the brain is an energy saving machine, always trying to find excuses to work less.

“Maybe sleep more? Today is Sunday! Why do you need to do all this anyway?! Who cares? Somebody else can do it better. Nobody will notice. It doesn’t matter. Why do you care so much? Relax.”

It’s noise. We all have it. Be aware of it. Analyze it.

Just because you hear it in your head, doesn’t make it true, or any more objective, than the last news you read in the media.

The brain is some sort of radio, catching different frequencies, mixing it up with our life experience and default thought patterns of us, of the world around us.

The bad thing — we often take it seriously, assuming, what we hear is an absolute truth, because it is in our head.

The bad thing — we allow it to affect the way we feel.

The bad thing — we act based on what we hear, we build our days, our lives, our relationships, our goals and dreams based on that.

The bad thing — we believe, what we hear is us, today.

And that’s why we have such a hard time sticking to our best intentions we had yesterday, when we felt on the top of the world, because the radio, our brain, got lucky and tuned in to positive-vibes station.


What did REALLY change about me? About you? About the world? Since yesterday? Since a week ago? Since a month ago?


Not much.

So why the f*ck does it matter, what your brain decided to tune in today?! Why should it matter for the goals, dreams and desires you’ve been having for months or years? Or your whole life?

Change YOUR radio station.

Listen to the music, that makes you feel good.

Talk to people, that make you laugh, people you love.

Make yourself laugh — make fun of yourself, watch a comedy or funny animals’ videos (That’s why they have those kittens’ silly videos, my favorite is Simon’s cat).

Listen to someone, who inspires you (like Peter Diamandis or Tony Robbins).

Read something great (like “Magic of Thinking BIG”).

Admire something beautiful (I love going to a park and admire nature, animals, trees, river, skies).

See your dreams and goals happening. Feel them.

Radio station changed.

You are on the top of the world again.

Get after it.

The good thing — you can do it every single day.

The good thing — you don’t need anyone’s permission, offer or approval to do it.

The good thing — you can do it anytime.

The good thing — you can do it anywhere.

The good thing — it’s free.

Not feeling like getting after it? — CATCH YOUR RADIO STATION.

And do it anyway.

Healthy lifestyle trivia

You don’t get healthy and stay healthy.

HEALTH is a DAILY PRACTICE. One bite at a time.

Daily Bite of Health




Angela Shurina

Founder Coach. Neuroscience + Biohacking + Productivity "Unstoppable Founder Blueprint" :