How to eat FAT SMART.

For health, lean body and delicious living!

Angela Shurina
4 min readNov 30, 2016


VIDEO from NYC. Smart Fat eating.

Smart Fat.

How to eat for health, lean body and deliciousness.

As I mentioned yesterday I’m going to be read a few books on nutrition and exercise, and share what I learn.

I started reading “Smart Fat”. Full review will be up tomorrow.

I want to share with you today a few core concepts that the authors outlined at the beginning of the book.

I’ve been following the same eating lifestyle for 2–3 years now and it keeps getting better. I stay so freaking lean so easily! And I’m full of energy. And my brain works like a rocket engine. And I’m calm and peaceful. And I never feel hungry. And it’s so convenient — I can eat when I want, I don’t need to count calories or watch portions, as long as I eat mindfully and chew well. My skin, hair, nails — everything just works in my body!

I tried all kinds of diets — I started to experiment almost 2 decades ago! I’ve been my own experiment since I was a kid.

I tried counting calories and measuring macronutrients, I tried 6 meals a day bodybuilding/fitness kind of diet, I tried high carb low fat, high protein low fat low carb, vegan, raw vegan, portions — you name it, I tried it!

And nothing quite worked. I’d get cranky or fatigued, or my hormones would go out of balance. Or I’d develop deficiencies or cravings. Something would always come up after a few months. Nothing worked, although in theory it all made sense. At first.

High fat, low carb, moderate protein diet has been working perfectly.

And it seems to get more and more attention among scientists, nutritionists, health professionals, athletes, longevity experts. They even use it for treating cancer, diabetes and other metabolic and hormonal, brain disorders and generative diseases like arthritis or Alzheimer’s.

My point is — try it! It might give you exactly what you need and want. And you might love it so much you will never change. Never say never, but still.

Few specifics for you to try now.

What do you eat on Smart Fat lifestyle?

Fats, lots of it.

Nuts and seeds, avocados, coconut oil and dark chocolate, fish, eggs, organic dairy products (If you are not allergic), grass fed meats.


Meaning eat your veggies! For vitamins and minerals, for fiber, for some protein, phytonutrients and who knows what else science is yet to discover. Also nuts and seeds have lots of fiber. Grains — skip them. Way too many carbs to make it a part of your regular diet in significant quantities. Sometimes here and there, whole grain dishes are ok, but I eat none and never miss them.


You get lots of it in fish, nuts and seeds, meats, eggs, dairy. Even vegetables have lots of it, although less amount per unit of volume. You don’t need to worry about eating not enough protein. It’s very hard not to get what your body needs. Almost everything has amino acids — building blocks of protein that our body needs.

What else?

Spices, herbs, smart fat sauces, dark chocolate for flavorful delicious living!

Some fruits here and there. Quit bananas though. Berries are the best!


Take these ingredients. Make whatever you want from them. Look up low carb high fat recipes on Google, or Ketogenic recipes. Modify recipes you already know. Use your brain and Google! There are tons of recipes online to get your inspiration going.

Check out these.

Healthy desserts for your sweet tooth

You don’t get healthy and stay healthy.

HEALTH is a DAILY PRACTICE. One bite at a time.

Daily Bite of Health


And here is an extra Bite of Health.

Are you a workout type of girl/guy? Thinking about pre-workout, after-workout, during-workout drinks?

I don’t think you need any — unless you are a pro-bodybuilder or aspired to become one. — That is some hard training that might require more support.

But 99% of us need none of that! — It’s just marketers trying to sell you stuff.

But what I do notice — I need my electrolytes to keep my cells working properly and workouts running smoothly giving me the results I want.

Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium. Get them in!

We get some from food but I also like to supplement with electrolyte no-sugar water.

Ever feeling dizzy? Cramps? Blood sugar issues? You might want to add more electrolytes before anything else.

And more sodium if you don’t get enough from your food.



Angela Shurina

Founder Coach. Neuroscience + Biohacking + Productivity "Unstoppable Founder Blueprint" :