It’s not WHAT you do. It’s HOW you do it.

“Go F*CK Yourself!” might be out of love too sometimes.

Angela Shurina
7 min readOct 28, 2015

What do you love doing?

What are you in love with?

What are you passionate about?

What makes you lose the track of time?

What makes your days pass by like moments?

For me it’s many things.

Connecting with nature. Spending time disconnected from the “REAL” world and connected to nature, that we neglect so often.

It’s true deep connections with people. Not some networking with whoever shouted their name the loudest or did the next big thing. No. With true people. Who are right here. Right now. Sharing this beautiful magical moment with me. Sharing it’s beauty. Sharing the magic. Sharing love. Laughter. Life.

Sharing space. Sharing time.

It’s experiencing something beautiful and breath-taking: a dance, a song, a piece of music or poetry, a movie scene, a touch, a smell, a taste.

It’s writing about things. When I write, something flows through me. It’s magical. It’s like a dance. You never know what move comes next. It just does.

I’m always fascinated by how it happens.

You sit down to write or draw, or do something creative, and you never know what comes out of it, until it actually happens.

You get quiet and become an instrument. Somebody plays you. You give up the control. You are lead.

Drawing is another passion of mine that makes time fly.

Exercising. Movement. I love that. I love feeling every inch of my body. Feeling that it’s all in top condition and there is no limitation, full awareness. I love feeling the energy sprouting from within making me feel like a superwoman that can change the world right now. That makes time pass by unnoticeable.



Learning. Discovering.

Playing with new technology and being blown away by new possibilities that enhance and change our life so dramatically.

Laughing at a joke. Funny moment. Movie scene. Sharing that laughter.

Being fascinated by amazing people I hear about every single day makes me forget about time an listen, absorb them like a sponge. People who do extraordinary things. Who said “I’m Possible”, when the rest of the world was saying “It’s Impossible”. People who do small things that matter BIG times. People who live their life on their terms adding to its beauty and magic. Creating. Dancing with life to the music only the “crazy” ones can hear. Only the ones, who got quiet, when the rest of the world was trying to be heard getting louder.

Being in nature. Spending time with people. Providing service, doing what you love. Writing. Drawing. Creating. Dancing. Reading. Learning. Discovering and experiencing new things. Exercising. Eating healthy food. Helping someone. Working on projects. Traveling. Walking. Listening to music or a person telling some amazing story or teaching something, sharing life experience.

All those activities and anything in life can be done out of love or out of fear.

And that changes everything. Quality of the experience. Quality of the moment and perceived value. Quality of life. The outcomes. Everything.

It’s not about what we do. It’s about how we do it. What energy and emotions we put into doing — that defines what results we get.

We can eat healthy and exercise, because we feel we “have to do that” to be likable and attractive to others. To be seen as successful. Lots of us do that to lose weight, because we feel so disgusted with ourselves. What do we get as a result of that mindset and actions? Even poorer body and self-image, lower self-esteem, ZERO enjoyment of the process, of life. Things that are supposed to improve quality of our life and well-being lead instead to eventually poorer health, physical and mental, and much less happy life.

Doing things with the wrong intention. Doing things because we are afraid of what might happen if we don’t do them — that’s the recipe for failure and misery.

Exercise, eating healthy — should come out of self-love, because each and every one of us deserves to be healthy, happy, beautiful inside and out and have abundant energy for life.

When we are excited about walking or running outside it produces completely different results then when we wake up in the morning with a question: “Do I have to do that again?!”.

That’s why some people get results fast and easy, seemingly doing nothing, and some people seem to be in the never-ending struggle. It’s not about what we do, it’s how we do it.

They say exercise helps our body produce endorphins and positive emotions. It does, if we are not struggling and pushing ourselves through pain all the time.

I love writing. I am a writer. I love drawing and illustration.

But a couple of days ago I noticed I didn’t enjoy the process anymore. It was all about deadlines and finishing the projects. It became a “job” I had to finish. I lost all the joy I used to get from writing and drawing, and I had to stop and reset myself. Reset my mindset. I started hating writing and drawing. Something that I absolutely in love with! I had to do it. Instead of being happy that I get to do that every day. I get to spend most of my days doing exactly what I love, what I want! I’m free to do that. How cool is that?

I started writing out of love again. Because it’s fun! Because it’s what I love. Not because I have to finish a book, or a blog post, or an article, or because I call myself a writer and have to sustain some image, not because I fear of being nothing and no one, unless I do the work. No. I’m writing out of love again and I can’t stop. The words are pouring through me. I can barely keep up typing.

I believe writer’s block, if there is such a thing, is the end of love and writing out of fear, because you have to. And that’s the end of your best writing and end of creativity. Fear does not live in the same space as creative genius.

Connecting with people, serving people. I love doing that. I love providing value, helping.

But recently it became another chore! Why? Because I was afraid, if I don’t do that, I don’t get to be successful. There is so much buzz these days about adding value, helping others, doing something good. It feels, that if we don’t contribute every single day in some measurable way, don’t provide any measurable and visible, apparent value to the society, to someone, then our days and life are wasted. Value oriented actions is a great message that can produce negative results. We start evaluating our worth, our value, our usefulness to the world every single moment. There is little time and space for just being without doing. That leads to depression, when we are not actively engaged in something we can tell the whole world about.

If we can’t serve and help with love today, then it’s better to let it go, and just laugh, joke around, be a nobody, do ZERO contribution, be ZERO, enjoy ourselves and our life as we want. It’s not all about giving and serving. Being and receiving just as important. Without that life is not worth living. There is no joy. Service out of love is amazing. Service out of fear and because we have to, because we feel obligated to do something leads to nothing positive and good. It does not serve us or people around us, the world.

Hell, sometimes we all feel like telling “go F*CK yourself” or punching someone. It’s not all about love and service. We got to love our “bad” dark side too to be good and truly loving. On the second thought, loving our dark side and accepting it, the one that wants to curse and punch people, it’s love too, and well, at times punching someone might serve them better, than any amount of love we can give them.

Does your life feel like a struggle?

Are your days filled with “I have to”s instead of “I get to”s?

Are you jumping out of bed with excitement long before your alarm or punching snooze button over and over … and over again, because you don’t want to face the day full of have-to situations and have-to see-and-talk-to people?

Do you do things because you love doing them or because you are afraid you get a negative outcome, if you don’t? Lose successful self-image? And people will dislike you?

You might change nothing about WHAT you do, because you might be already doing what you love.

When we change the HOW, the whole world changes in a second. Outcomes, quality of your life, the world and people around us.

Do things with love today.

Every little thing.

Love every experience today.

Every person you get to meet.

See the world changing.

And it’s the perfect day for that!

#NationalILoveYouDay AND #NationalChocolateDay!

Can it get any better?

Say “I Love You!” and Give Chocolates!



Angela Shurina
Angela Shurina

Written by Angela Shurina

Founder Coach. Neuroscience + Biohacking + Productivity "Unstoppable Founder Blueprint" :

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