Number one reason for your weight loss failure.

Kung Fu fighting.

Angela Shurina
4 min readMar 30, 2017

I really believe this is number one reason for most of our failures, when it comes to building new habits, that move us towards our goals.

Trying to do it all at once.

Imagine, you are in a kung fu movie, in a fight.
Imagine, there are 10 fighters attacking you, and you are not Bruce Lee. What are your chances to win?
Imagine now, you have only one fighter attacking you. What are your chances now?

At the beginning, when we try to build new habits, install new behaviors, it might feel like a fight. And it is a fight. A fight against resistance or dark force, that arises proportionally to our efforts to self-improvement and growth.
If you try to do it all at once — there is going to be HUGE force resisting your efforts, and when you start building new habits, you might not have all the skills and strength (Remember you are not Bruce Lee. Not just yet) to do it all. But you have enough strength to deal with small resistance, that will arise, when you start working on one of your habits.

One at a time. Fighting one enemy at a time.

Working on improving your eating habits?
Try quitting sugar first — your food, your drinks, all kinds of sugar and sweeteners added to anything you consume.
Create a habit diary, something like the one below, put a check mark every time you successfully finish a day without sugar. Congratulate yourself. You won the day!

Do it for 2 weeks.
Once this is done, and you adjusted your lifestyle, and it doesn’t feel like work or fight anymore — you got it.

Time to find a new worthy opponent.
Maybe reducing your grain carbohydrates?
By quitting bread, pasta, all the pastries, and basically anything, except oatmeal for breakfast, if you love it (No sugar of course, we got it, right?), and some quinoa or brown rice with your lunch (a cup, cooked). Add more vegetables (not potatoes), healthy fats from salmon, avocados, sardines, whole eggs, and protein rich foods like chicken and other meat products.
Do it for 2 weeks again.
Master the skill.
Defeat grain enemy.
Move on to the next one.

Master the skill. Build the habit. Create new routine. — Defeat another enemy.
Move on to the next one.

Works for any area of your life just as well as for diet and exercise.

Have any questions? Don’t know where to start and how? What’s best and most important enemy to fight, most important habit to build, most important skill to master for your goal right now?
Send over your questions to angela at

Healthy living trivia

You don’t get healthy and stay healthy.

HEALTH is a DAILY PRACTICE. One bite at a time.

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And here is an extra Bite of Health.

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