One millionaire’s food.
Omega-3s — Smarter, faster, stronger, leaner…richer?!
“If that weren’t enough, the millionaire co-founder of telecommunications company Boost Mobile (USA) also hacks his diet: He eats five cans of sardines every day to maintain his health and energy.
“Sardines are the №1 superfood for guys,” said Cooper, who co-hosts CNBC’s reality pitch series “Adventure Capitalists. ”“They’re a powerhouse of nutrition, so I’m kind of an evangelist for sardines amongst everyone I meet.”
~ Why this millionaire investor eats five cans of sardines every day.
Let me introduce to you The Queen of Fats!
Thinking better and faster (The only “smart drug”, that works for everybody), seeing further and brighter, living fitter, leaner and longer, feeling happy — all of it depends on it, so do all of the functions in a human body. Omega-3s, it’s the whole family of fats, different ones. They are so easy to miss, so easy to forget about in our upside-down food system, so easy to get lost in all the old and inaccurate data, in all the flax seeds and walnuts, canola oil, it’s easy to lose sight of them, especially the one, that can turn you into a genius athlete, the one, that can only come from the sea, where we all came from.
Most people don’t think about Omega-3s all that often, and even when they do, they often think about taking some fish oil (which very often is a poor substitution for the real deal). We also often don’t think about all the Omega-6s, that we eat, that compete with Omega-3s in our cell membranes, Omega-6s, that are everywhere, that are pro-inflammatory, and yes, we need them too, but not so much, not from industrial oils and meats.
What else you might not know? (I definitely didn’t, before I dived deep into a few books and articles)
The real benefits from eating Omega-3s — better metabolism and blood sugar control, less inflammation, faster metabolism, better signaling between cells (your heart and other muscle cells including), better brain health — most of the benefits will come only after your body eliminates Omega-6s and other less desirable fats from your tissues and cells — and that can take some time, if you have lots of fat to lose and/or you’ve been eating Omega-6s-rich diet for many years. It’s not like you can replace all the bad quality fats in your cell membranes overnight — it’ll take time. The more years you spent eating poorly — the more time it’ll take to get all the benefits of Omega-3s.
I guess, that’s why, it feels like I do nothing new, but my health, my fitness, the way I feel emotionally, my ability to learn, maintaining lean body mass — it all feels easier and better — my body is slowly replacing all the Omega-6s and other poor quality food substances in my cells with better ones with every high-quality meal I cook!
They say, it takes about 7 years to turn over all of the cells in our body. Bones take the longest. Some might take days, like your skin cells, for example.
Why does it matter to you?
Please understand, that some changes, how you feel, how you look, some changes will take days, some will take months, some will take, well, you guessed it right — 7 years. As a rule of thumb, the longer you’ve been practicing habits, that work against your health, the older you are — the more it’ll take for you to reverse all of it. And remember also, every time you eat junk ingredients again — it’ll end up in some of your cells. Food is not just fuel for your journey — it’s also building material, that you’re made of. That’s why every piece of pizza passing through your mouth matters — it’ll end up not necessarily on your hips, but in some of your cells, making the whole system, your body, a faulty system, that breaks down at times. Don’t get discouraged, when you’ve been doing everything right for a while and it’s not working — it takes time for all of your cells to be replaced with better ones. It is working! The more consistent you are with it — the sooner the results will come and the better it’ll be.
Back to Omega-3s.
First, not all Omega-3s are the same, the ones you get from flax seeds and walnuts, from land animals are not the same you get from sardines and cod liver. DHA, an Omega-3 I’m a fan of, can only be found in marine sources, some algae and fishes, and that’s the one, that makes you think faster, see further, run at a speed of light, keeping your six pack sharp (increasing your metabolic rate due to fluidity of cell membranes) and, for you guys, your “swimmers” are faster with more DHA in your diet. Your heart gets stronger, your neurons fire faster — you’ll become a superhuman! Compared to the rest of the population. We are not in a good place as a society health wise! Being average in today’s society is NOT good news! We are all meant to be smart, fit and healthy, happy — but we are often not, because we focus on calories instead of quality, too slow to change our food system and recommendations, because of conflicted interests and not enough randomized clinical controlled studies, that are often poorly designed to prove the point anyway!
Because these fats were not recognized as being essential to human health until the 1980s, most current recommendations and nutritional advice took shape without them. At the same time, they were being eliminated from many foods because their presence caused problems with product stability and shelf life. Their absence, from our foods and our guidelines, is a key, a large and growing number of scientists believe, to many of our health problems.
It is the fat that permits animals to think and see. DHA is found in its highest concentrations in the membranes of the cells of the brain and eyes, where its ability to flipflop between hundreds of different shapes, billions of times per second, enables nerve cells to send their rapid signals.
understanding that eating fish might not be enough to prevent the diseases that were being linked to a diet that was low in omega-3 fats. The problem was that the tissues of Western populations were awash in omega-6s, fats that compete with the omega-3s.
Meanwhile mortality from heart disease goes up linearly with the increase in omega-6s, from 50 deaths per hundred thousand people in Japan, to 90 in Mediterranean countries, and 200 in the United States.”
“You have to reduce your omega-6s if you want to get any benefit from omega-3s,”
omega-6 fats play in the promotion of certain cancers, including breast, prostate, and colon cancer, and into the benefits of omega-3s in treating psychological disorders such as depression and postpartum depression, attention deficit disorder, and bipolar disorder. But it was also the beginning of a large and growing disconnect between the scientists who study these fats and the government and medical organizations that make recommendations about diet and health.
people, especially obese people, carry huge fat reserves that buffer against change. “It would take years to turn over all of the fats on an obese person,” says Storlien, “and I haven’t been able to run my studies out that far. You don’t get grants to do long-term intervention studies.” That’s why, he adds, the epidemiological data are so important. “The epidemiological data clearly show that fish intake is preventive against both heart disease and diabetes.”
I only now start fully appreciating Omega-3s and their full potential power for human health. It goes deep! Cellular level deep! If we are not healthy on a cellular level — we are not going to be healthy on a whole-body level! A system is as strong as its weakest link — any of your cells.
Let me share with you, what I’ve learned so far— how to put all of this knowledge into daily practice, that makes you better every time you eat.
How much we need
They say we need 250–500 mg of Omega-3s every day. Every day! But the minimum amount to prevent health problems and the optimum amount to thrive and get better are not the same. A lot of nutritionists, deeper into the topic, recommend 1–3 g of EPA + DHA combined daily.
Especially if you have metabolic issues, heart disease, brain disorders — basically if you are not well already — get more.
*I eat tons of canned sardines (in water or EVOO only!), canned cod liver, all sorts of fatty fish I can get my hands on! Canned seafood, when done right (by the right company) is better (more Omega-3s) than cooked fish! Plus you don’t need to cook it and can take it with you everywhere — camping, airport, work lunch.
Best sources
Not fish oil.
Chances are — the quality of what you get will not be the best, and oxidized fish oil is not good for you. And most of the researches really doubt it, that taking a shot of oil is the same as eating those fats in whole foods, like sardines, herring or cod liver.
You can only feel the positive effects of Omega-3s, once you reduce the amount of Omega-6s in your diet. And the world of food today is full of Omega-6s! You need some, but not nowhere near as much most people eat. 1:1 ration, 2:1 ration, Omega-6s:Omega-3s, seems to be a great goal to shoot for.
a) Most restaurants and cafes use oils, that are high in Omega-6s, and/or oxidized and pro-inflammatory. If you want to avoid Omega-6s, don’t eat anything, where you can’t be sure of the oils they use.
b) Don’t use any oils except for: EVOO, coconut oil, avocado oil, pastured animal fats.
c) Be aware, that a lot of nuts and seeds, conventionally grown animal foods have a lot of Omega-6s, that can screw up your ratios.
This month I’ll be focusing on my own Omega-3s ratio, getting an adequate amount from whole foods, posting my meals full of Omega-3s, Omega-6s count — all of it on my Instagram — FOLLOW ME and let’s master it together! Believe me, from what I’ve experienced so far — it’s all worth it and the best is yet to come! (I’m also going through a business-building money-making coaching program — I need all the Omega-3s and more!)
Why this millionaire investor eats five cans of sardines every day
Did you know I’m also running a research project, that can help you to get
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