The Sirt Food Diet: Nutrition + Genetics. Foods that make you fitter, stronger, leaner, smarter, younger.

Why aren’t you eating them?!

Angela Shurina
6 min readFeb 5, 2018

I’ve noticed quite some time ago through all my years of nutrition experiments, personal and with my clients, friends and family, that when I eat certain foods, or other people eat more of certain foods — we get leaner.

And it has nothing to do with calorie restriction. Or being on any particular diet — you notice the effect the VERY NEXT DAY!

Change nothing but eat more of these foods — and your body gets better at staying leaner, fitter, stronger.

And you just feel more energetic! Who doesn’t want that? Think of all the amazing things you could do with extra energy!

I never could quite put my finger on it. What’s it all about? Am I delusional? Is the effect real? Or is it my imagination? How does it work exactly?

But I never found any good explanation to the phenomenon.

That is until now.

When I finished reading “The Sirt Food Diet” book by Aidan Goggins and Glen Matten.

Book on Nutrigenomics, Nutrition + Genetics, even though the book doesn’t say so.

Book about how certain foods activate a certain family of our genes, genes that are usually activated by fasting and exercise, genes that make our cells more robust, improve cell repair, improve energy production and usage, make our muscles stronger, help us burn fat for fuel more effectively, decrease inflammation and more.

Plants are the most profound chemists.

Have you heard the phrase, “Let the food be your medicine”?

Well actually, it’s LITERALLY true. Most of the medicines are made either from/with plant extracts or simulate the action that plants’ ingredients produce.

What I’m trying to say is — don’t be so surprised, that some plant foods can help you to get leaner, fitter, stronger and smarter.

Everything in our bodies is a some sort of a chemical reaction and ANY compound we consume has some effect on our chemistry and biology. Now the science finally starts discovering how certain foods affect certain genes in our body and certain aspects of our biology. That’s that simple.

“plant chemicals — called polyphenols — that allow them to successfully adapt to their environment and survive. When we consume these plants, we also consume these polyphenol nutrients. Their effect is profound: they activate our own innate stress-response pathways. We’re talking here about exactly the same pathways that fasting and exercise switch on: the sirtuins.

And the implications are game-changing. Let the plants do the hard work so we don’t have to. Indeed, these natural plant compounds are now referred to as caloric restriction mimetics due to their ability to turn on the same positive changes in our cells, such as fat burning, that would be seen during fasting. And by providing us with more advanced signaling compounds than we produce ourselves, they trigger outcomes superior to anything we can achieve through fasting or exercise alone.

~ Due to a greater need to adapt to survive in their environment, foods grown in the wild, or even organically, are better for us than intensively farmed produce since they produce higher levels of polyphenols.

Enter Sirtfoods, a newly discovered group of wonder foods.

Sirtfoods are particularly rich in special nutrients that, when we consume them, are able to activate the same skinny genes in our bodies that calorie restriction does.

Sirtuins ramp up our metabolism, increase the efficiency of our muscles, switch on fat burning, reduce inflammation, and repair any damage in our cells. In effect, sirtuins make us fitter, leaner, and healthier.

Enter Sirtfoods So far we have discovered that if we want to lose weight and be healthy, the key is to activate our sirtuin genes. Up until now the two known ways to achieve this have been fasting and exercise. Alas, the amounts needed for successful weight loss come with their drawbacks, and for most of us are simply incompatible with how we live life in the twenty-first century. Fortunately, there is a newly discovered, groundbreaking means of activating our sirtuin genes in the best possible way: Sirtfoods. As we will soon learn, these are the wonder foods particularly rich in specific natural plant chemicals that have the power to speak to our sirtuin genes, switching them on.

In essence they mimic the effects of fasting and exercise and in doing so bring remarkable benefits of burning fat, building muscle, and boosting health, which were previously unattainable.


Each of us possesses an ancient family of genes called sirtuins.

Sirtuins are master metabolic regulators that control our ability to burn fat and stay healthy.

Sirtuins act as energy sensors within our cells, and get activated when a shortage of energy is detected.

Fasting and exercise both activate our sirtuin genes, but can be hard to stick to and even have drawbacks.

There is a new groundbreaking way to activate our sirtuin genes: Sirtfoods.

By eating a diet rich in Sirtfoods, you can mimic the effects of fasting and exercise, and achieve the body you want.

These are the foods that are proven to be the most powerful, because they have the most amount of polyphenols.

How do I use this knowledge? How do I recommend to use this information to make sure that you get the benefits out of this book beyond “I know it”.

Knowledge is nothing, until you use it.

And if you can use something as simple as eating more healthy foods to your advantage, to get fitter, younger, smarter, stronger, why won’t you?!

My winning strategy.

I chose 10 foods, that I like the most and are the most convenient and enjoyable for me. And every time I do grocery shopping I make sure I buy them and eat them daily.

My 10 foods are:

Cacao — I either add a table spoon to my bulletproof coffee daily or eat sugar-free chocolate with high cacao percentage.

Coffee — I drink 2 cups of regular coffee and 1 cup of decaf daily. I love my coffee. Especially now, when it’s proven to be one of the richest sources of polyphenols.

Extra virgin olive oil — I use it in my salads — that, has additional benefits to help our body to absorb fat soluble vitamins, A, D, E, K.

Garlic — I eat it with my salad, crushed, I add it and mix it with everything.

Green tea (matcha) — I add a teaspoon of matcha powder to my VEGA sugar-free electrolyte drink.

Kale — in my salad daily.

Arugula — in my salad daily.

Parsley — in my salad daily.

Turmeric — I drink it daily with some lemon juice, black pepper and a bit of olive oil (fat and black pepper helps to increase bioavailability of curcumin in turmeric, the stuff that you want)

Walnuts — in my salad or as a snack.

Pick yours!

Eat and get leaner, fitter, stronger — live longer!

You don’t get healthy and stay healthy.

HEALTH is a DAILY PRACTICE. One bite at a time.

Daily Bite of Health

Buy 10 Sirt Foods. Eat them daily for a month.

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