Ultimate Weapon of Fat Destruction.

Angela Shurina
7 min readFeb 23, 2016

Easy Weight Loss: Solution is Between Your Ears.

I used to think that weight loss is about diet.

I used to think that weight loss is about exercise and healthy lifestyle.

And it is…

But there is a catch. A secret. One that keeps you lean, fit and healthy for life effortlessly, or keeps you in prison of counting calories, portions and feeling guilty about your food, putting in endless hours of training with seemingly no or very little progress. Plus HUGE amount of mental struggle. Endless torture. Endless pain. Very often one step forward and two steps back. So much energy is wasted. Energy that could be used to create an amazing life.

Care to know what the secret is? Or better say, an ultimate weapon of fat destruction?

When you think about it, it actually does make total sense.

What controls all our body functions and processes one way or the other?

What monitors all the activities that we perform?

What directs the hormone show? Show that makes us hungry or keeps us feeling full? Show that makes us burn/release fat and use it for energy or keep it and burn muscles instead. Show that makes us crave all kinds of not so healthy foods and more food than we actually require?

Any guesses?

Our brain.

This mighty organ that is “only 2% of our body weight, uses 20% of our oxygen and 10% of our glucose stores just to keep running”.

Our brain decides, whether we stay at home and binge on cookies or go to the gym and crush it!

It decides how lean or fat we are.

You might think, YOU are in control of what you do, but most of the time you are not… We make decisions based on how we feel, and that is very often not in our direct control, influenced by the processes in our body we are not aware of.

A lot of us eating more when we are sad and lonely, depressed or stressed, or overly excited. These are our emotions and we tend to think, they are things that come and go, and there is nothing we can do about it, right?

Did you know that most emotions are just chemical reactions happening in our bodies? Mix of different hormones and neurotransmitters released and produced by the body to make us do something, make us pay attention to something we need to deal with. And very often we do all the things to fix the problem, just not the right things, we don’t understand the nature of our emotions, why they happen. Very often uncomfortable they are uncomfortable. We don’t know the best healthiest way to deal with the situation and emotions, and food is one of the easiest ways to control the chemistry in our body and therefore one of the easiest most accessible ways to control our emotions. That and drugs. But since drugs are frowned upon we go for food.

Do you know anyone, who complains about always feeling hungry even though they seem to eat a lot? Eat the right foods? Eat healthy? Do you know anyone like that personally? Maybe?

And then you might know someone, who seems to be satisfied with the right amount of good food for a healthy fit body, without really thinking about it, without any conscious restrictions or any rules to follow. You might even think they are lying that they don’t want to eat all the time, or that they are satisfied with less food and are not attracted to junk.

Did you know that our hunger is also controlled by our hormones and ultimately brain?

Did you know that our brain can make us feel tired? Or can make us feelsuper excited and pumped for the workout?

Did you know that our brain can make us feel depressed? Or extremely happy?

Can make us feel super-self-confident or doubt every step of our life?

Did you know that a happy brain can increase our motivations 100 folds or more? Making us capable of super-human things in the gym, at work, in our personal life?

Makes you think a bit, right?

If the brain is so powerful and there is little we can do to change our body composition, when our brain doesn’t want it, what can we do? Are we so powerless? Were we somehow born with a brain programmed to make us fat?

Surprisingly no.

We can change the way our brain works, decisions it makes by our RIGHT actions.

We need to learn how to program our brain to do what we want it to do. Help us reach our, in this case body composition, goals.

How to do that?

Keep our brain happy. The brain will keep us happy in return.

Simple right?

How do we keep our brain happy?

Give it the best nutrition, nutrition that feeds the brain creating the least amount of damage to the neurons. That’s how we turn our brain into our friend, not our saboteur.

And what is that best brain nutrition?

You might be surprised, but it’s the diet, that has lots of fats in it! In fact, the diet that is richer in fats than in proteins OR carbohydrates!

And you might get surprised again! That diet not only makes our brain happy, but also makes us leaner as a result! How? We are happier, healthier, more satisfied with our meals and have tons of energy to exercise! Because our brain is happy.


“This fact means that while there are essential requirements for both fat or protein (meaning we would die without eating at least some fat and at least some protein), we can live quite happily while consuming no carbohydrate at all. That’s not saying there aren’t some disadvantages or side effects to a so-called “zero carb” diet, but it won’t cause the massive health problems and death that consuming zero fat or zero protein would.”

I’d read the whole article to understand why ketogenic (high fat) diet keeps our brain happy, and keeps us lean and happy too. But simply put, ketones (molecules produced as the result of ketogenic diet) provide stable energy flow to the brain and reduce damage to the neurons, reduce inflammation in the brain. Reduce it a lot compared to high carbohydrate, and especially junk food, diet. And what happy brain does? Brain that is not inflamed and not exposed to lots of toxins? It makes sure the body stays healthy and that means lean and fit also.

*To reduce damage to neurons we should do intense physical training (especially resistance training) also, because when we exercise our body produces lactic acid and that is found to “guard” our neurons, keeping them safe and undamaged.

“A team of scientists led by EPFL has now discovered that lactate, which is produced in the brain and even muscles after intense exercise, can be used to protect neurons against excitotoxicity.”

How a waste product of exercise protects neurons from trauma damage

So, as we can see high fat diet plus intense exercise is a powerful combo that keeps our neurons (brain) safe.

That keeps our brain running smoothly. And that keeps YOU healthy and fit.

So what does all this mean in practical terms? What do YOU do now?

Follow ketogenic diet. It is basically lots of healthy fats: fatty fish, nuts, full fat natural dairy products (no long shelf life, no sugar added, fermented is better for your gut that is the second brain in our body), grass-fed meats (more healthy fats there compared to conventionally grown cows), avocados, coconut oil (a secret brain rocket fuel), plus of course vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, asparagus, spinach, artichokes — you know, all the good stuff. And there is lots of other foods. Main thing — the GOLDEN RATIO: most of your calories (that’s when counting calories come in handy) come from fats (60–70 even 80 %), about 20–30 % (0.8–1 g per kg of body weight) from proteins, and about 10% from carbohydrates (Carbs are almost everywhere, keep that in mind: fruits, vegetables, even dairy, grains, and yes, even broccoli has carbs, so start counting).

More about ketogenic diet in practice you can read in the article below. I included a few recipes of my favorite ketogenic desserts as I have a HUGE DESSERT tooth!

Fat for Fit. Fat for Fat. What’s on YOUR menu?!

And the last thing (I should have probably told you about it before the diet), cause let’s face it, most of us are pretty lazy, when it comes to changing our diet, sticking to some eating plan.

To make your journey into ketosis (production and usage as a main fuel source of ketones) easier and get the benefits I described, not being so strict about your diet (still eating healthy, but with more space for healthy carbs like fruits and veggies), you can use supplements, that help! Isn’t that cool?

These ones I recommend, based on science and testimonials, results from my clients.


I don’t take them right now, as I can’t get them in Siberia, but this summer, when I’m in US, they are definitely on my list. For now I’m sticking with ketogenic diet and IF (Intermittent Fasting).

So hey!

Aren’t you excited?

Weight loss is not that difficult at all! When you know how it all works.

Keep your brain healthy! And it will keep YOU fit, healthy, full of energy and sexy!

I haven’t even touched upon all the other benefits of a healthy brain in our life!

Better mood, feelings of well-being, amazing creativity and learning abilities, amazing memory, extraordinary physical and mental performance, better skin, nails, hair, shine that come from inside, better relationships and sexual life.

Life just keeps getting better, when our brain is healthy.

